Viking Brothers 4

Nákupem získáte elektronickou licenci pro hru Viking Brothers 4.Anglický popis hry Viking Brothers 4Help the Viking Brothers hold their own as a mythological race rises from...
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Skladem • 1 variantaKe stažení99 % • 5 850 recenzíDalší informace
Skladem • 1 variantaDárek% Slevový kódKe stažení92 % • 11 814 recenzíDalší informace

Popis produktu

Nákupem získáte elektronickou licenci pro hru Viking Brothers 4.Anglický popis hry Viking Brothers 4Help the Viking Brothers hold their own as a mythological race rises from...

Parametry produktu

Limitovaná/Sběratelská edice
Rok vydání
Game Of The Year (GOTY)
Complete Edition
Director's Cut

Parametry produktu

Limitovaná/Sběratelská edice
Rok vydání
Game Of The Year (GOTY)
Complete Edition
Director's Cut

Popis produktu

Nákupem získáte elektronickou licenci pro hru Viking Brothers 4.Anglický popis hry Viking Brothers 4Help the Viking Brothers hold their own as a mythological race rises from the bottom of the ocean and threatens to change their world forever!

Having gained the eternal favor of the gods after defeating Loki and his evil plans, Everand and Boromere are looking forward to a well-earned retirement. But then a tsunami sweeps across the beautiful land of Midgard, devastating their home.

Determined to stand strong in the face of adversity, the Viking Brothers set out to learn the cause of the massive wave and repair their land - one building, bridge, and field at a time. Before their journey is over, they'll join forces with a former enemy in a shocking twist that will change the fate of Midgard forever!

To aid the Viking Brothers on their quest, you must guide them and other lively characters through dozens of visually stunning levels packed with strategic challenges. Players who prefer a relaxed experience can tackle the game without the timer and experience the same gripping storyline, earn many of the same achievements and enjoy the exhilarating locked chapter!

Join Everand and Boromere today and become an honorary Viking for life!  

Podívejte se, kde můžete produkt koupit:

Skladem • 1 variantaDárekKe stažení100 % • 329 recenzíDalší informace
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Skladem • 1 variantaKe stažení98 % • 802 recenzíDalší informace

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